Called By Name Campaign – January 25-26:
Throughout the diocese, we are kicking off the Called by Name Campaign: an initiative of the Diocese of Harrisburg Vocations Office that celebrates God’s call to each of us to follow Him in a particular way. At every parish in the diocese the weekend of January 25-26, our priests will share their own story of their vocation to the priesthood – how he listened and responded to God’s call in his life. As part of this special weekend, we are asking you to participate by spending time the next few weeks thinking and praying about some young men in our parish whom you believe God may be calling to the priesthood or religious life – young men that you see have the qualities that you would want in your priest.
At all the Masses January 25-26, we will ask you to share the names of those young men and, if you know it, their contact information. Bishop Senior and our Vocation Director, Fr. Joshua Weaver, will then send them a letter of encouragement and will include Fr. Weaver’s contact information should they wish to follow up with him. Thank you for your openness and generous participation.
Sometimes “thank you” is not enough.
Every year we ask our parishioners to remember that we are part of a Diocesan Church that provides important ministries, support, and expertise to our parishes and schools. We express this support through the Diocesan Annual Appeal (DAC). This past year our parish goal was $110,388 to support the work of the Diocesan Church. THANK YOU! You have responded with tremendous generosity and, as a result, have EXCEEDED that goal by $43,380 (as of December 2024). All of that excess will be returned to the parish to help us with special projects and repairs and other important financial obligations of the parish. This year we received 298 gifts – meaning an average gift of $516. The DAC is an excellent way for us to make donations to the parish because it not only supports the Diocesan Church, but all funds raised over our yearly goal are RETURNED to the parish. This helps us meet our Diocesan responsibilities, and support our local parish. Again, THANK YOU for your tremendous generosity!